☆Raffles, Contests, and the Newest Updates on Fantage☆

Hi everyone! Have you been to Vintage Gold today?


I feel like they have been selling very good items today… The St. Patricks hat was one of the most valuable and rare items to get, right?

And… Mermaid hair had been a good limited item too, so I feel like I might as well just post about what they are selling at Vintage Gold today.

The mermaid hair is the special item so it’s  30,000 stars or 10,000 ecoins.

The St. Patricks hat is 10,000 stars or 5,000 ecoins…

The other reason why I am posting this is because Fantage is still working on their refunds, and it has been going on for several days… I feel really suspicious of whether Fantage actually wants to refund us our items, but I am just not sure. Has anyone successfully refunded their items from Trade N Sell yet?




Comments on: "One of the Best Days to Shop at Vintage Gold" (4)

  1. I tried refunding when it came in the first few minutes, but didn’t work. (It showed how to refund but nothing changed.) They’ll probably add refunds once the rare items slide by today, so people just buy eCoins instead…

  2. I remember someone was stating, (I forget who) that they probably want us to donate all our stars now and then we’ll get them back when we refund them.

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